Parent Talk

Expressing gratitude is more than saying “thank you”
Rachel Wigglesworth Rachel Wigglesworth

Expressing gratitude is more than saying “thank you”

‘Tis the season – Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas – be grateful, give gifts, receive them, express gratitude. Yet what if our kids don’t appear to appreciate or even notice all they have in their lives and it feels like they take things for granted or are entitled? We can foster gratitude year round by noticing what we have or the deeds others have done for us, thinking about the meaning beyond the gift or the deed and appreciating the connection that gift giving can signify.

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Surgeon General highlights parents' vital role
Rachel Wigglesworth Rachel Wigglesworth

Surgeon General highlights parents' vital role

How many of you have ever felt burnt out, overwhelmed, inadequate, utterly confused or even at times enraged in your role as a parent? We love our kids so much, and there are times when we are at our wits' end in knowing how to work through challenging times with our children. This can leave us feeling stressed and inadequate -- because what we really want is a harmonious family life, positive relationships and for our kids to be OK.

“The stresses parents and caregivers have today are being passed to children in direct and indirect ways, impacting families and communities across America. Yet in modern society, parenting is often portrayed as a less important, less valued pursuit. Nothing could be further from the truth." So says the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, in his recently published advisory on the mental health & well-being of parents.

The thing is, parenting comes with no instruction manual and raising children is complicated and messy. The work parents do needs to be validated and uplifted. And parents need support. Without healthy children we will not have a healthy society, and without healthy parents, we will not have healthy children.

Read on to learn more about the Surgeon General's advisory and a call to action. You are worth it!

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Parenting in the age of distraction
School, Screen time, Rewards Rachel Wigglesworth School, Screen time, Rewards Rachel Wigglesworth

Parenting in the age of distraction

Have you tried writing a text and talking to your kids at the same time? You can’t do either very well. Just like our kids can’t watch Tik Tok and listen to us or do their math homework at the same time.

As Erika Christakis writes in her article in The Atlantic titled “The Dangers of Distracted Parenting”, “time spent on devices is time not spent actively exploring the world and relating to other human beings.” This is true for both parents and children. Think of the opportunities lost.

This means that when we are engrossed by our devices we arent paying attention to those around us — or only paying attention in a half-hearted way. Think of the message you are sending to those around you. Read on!

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